Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman and others!

I have been reading a lot of books by authors such as Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman.  They do have very good advices - however - I find Dave Ramsey to be very strict? harsh maybe? What do you think? I think we need to find a happy medium...I do not know.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Bye Bye thyroid~

My daughter had surgery this morning. She had a tumor on her thyroid gland removed.The surgery took long and I was having a lot of anxiety issues. Anyway, I was adding up the money in the checking account and my husband upcoming paycheck when I realized that we will not have enough money to cover the mortgage and the cars insurance. So I started panicking and calculating everything over and over just to found out that I had just paid the car insurance... You see, now I am a much better careful person with my money - and sometimes I "forget" that I am a 'changed woman". Sounds funny right?

I used to be careless with money. I am much better now. I still make mistakes, I am still in debt but at least I am working toward a better financial life.

My daughter is home from surgery, everything went well, the car insurance is paid for and I will have enough money to cover the mortgage payment. LIFE IS GOOD :)